
Magazine Clip: "The Bedtime Bunny" by Samantha Johnson, published in Rabbits USA 2011

My article, "The Bedtime Bunny," appears in the 2011 issue of Rabbits USA magazine, and is accompanied by Daniel Johnson's photography (http://www.foxhillphoto.com/).


Magazine Clip: "World's Most Attractive Swine" Hereford Hog profile in Hobby Farms

On newsstands soon: the January/February 2011 issue of Hobby Farms magazine! Be sure to check out my article on Hereford hogs, ("World's Most Attractive Swine") in this issue.


Magazine Clip: "The Farmer's Cow," cattle profile in Hobby Farms magazine

On newsstands soon: the September/October 2010 issue of Hobby Farms magazine! Be sure to check out my article on Native Milking Shorthorn cattle, ("The Farmer's Cow") in this issue.


Magazine Clip: "One Potato, Two Potato"

My article, One Potato, Two Potato, appears in the September/October 2010 issue of Hobby Farm Home. Look for it on newsstands soon!



Feature Article in Hobby Farms July/August 2010

My article, "Pick a Peck of Heirloom Peppers," appears as the cover story in the July/August 2010 issue of Hobby Farms magazine. Look for the magazine on newsstands in a couple of weeks!


New rabbit article on UrbanFarmOnline.com

My article, Raising Rabbits for Fiber, can be found on the brand new UrbanFarmOnline.com website, click here to view.

Magazine Clip: Hands On: Dry Farm-fresh Flowers and Plants by Samantha Johnson

My article, "Hands On: Dry Farm-fresh Flowers and Plants," appears in the July/August 2010 issue of Hobby Farm Home magazine. Look for the magazine on newsstands in a couple of weeks!


New Clips: Rabbit Articles for HobbyFarms.com

Check out these three articles that were recently published on HobbyFarms.com:

Outdoor Rabbit Housing by Samantha Johnson

Protecting Pet Rabbits by Samantha Johnson

Using Rabbit Manure by Samantha Johnson